
China illegal fishing

How to Make the Indo-Pacific Partnership for Maritime Domain Awareness Work

How to Make the Indo-Pacific Partnership for Maritime Domain Awareness Work

By Jasmin Alsaied
If the U.S. truly wants to improve maritime domain awareness, it needs to engage partners through pre-established mechanisms and find ways to creatively deal with data management and information sharing obstacles.

The Bitter Aftertaste of China’s Hunger for South American Food

The Bitter Aftertaste of China’s Hunger for South American Food

By Agostina Blengino and Jordy Pasa
China’s quest for food security is exacerbating environmental crises like deforestation and overfishing in South American countries.
Chinese Fishing Near North Korea Is a Symptom of a Bigger Problem

Chinese Fishing Near North Korea Is a Symptom of a Bigger Problem

By Jenny Town and Sally Yozell
The Chinese government has been both lenient on North Korea sanctions and reluctant to tackle illegal fishing by its distant water fleet.

Indonesia’s Natuna Challenge

Indonesia’s Natuna Challenge

By Nabiha Shahab
Illegal fishing – including by Chinese vessels – continues to be a problem in the Natuna Sea.

China: No Evidence Proving Chinese Vessel Fishing in Ecuador's Waters

China: No Evidence Proving Chinese Vessel Fishing in Ecuador's Waters

By Charlotte Gao
A crew of Chinese fishermen were caught with 6600 sharks aboard in the Galápagos Islands.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Taiwan Detains Chinese Fishermen in Latest Cross-Strait Spat

Taiwan Detains Chinese Fishermen in Latest Cross-Strait Spat

By Shannon Tiezzi
Two of the seven fishermen were injured by rubber bullets after resisting inspection by the Taiwan Coast Guard.

The Secret Driver of the South China Sea Disputes: China's Hunger for Fish

The Secret Driver of the South China Sea Disputes: China's Hunger for Fish

By Adam Bartley
China’s fish problem is an underappreciated source of tension in the East and South China Seas.
China and Africa's Illegal Fishing Problem

China and Africa's Illegal Fishing Problem

By Anthony Kleven
Beijing has an opportunity to be part of the solution.

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