
China in Africa

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Countering China in Africa by Reaffirming US Tech Leadership

Countering China in Africa by Reaffirming US Tech Leadership

By Sam Howell
To effectively mitigate the influence of Huawei and other Chinese tech giants in Africa, the U.S. must position itself as a willing and reliable alternative partner.
The Secrets of China’s Economic Statecraft in Africa

The Secrets of China’s Economic Statecraft in Africa

By Anzetse Were
Beijing has succeeded by responding to African governments' precise needs, against a backdrop of lingering mistrust of the West.

Is Japan Beginning to Overtake China on Infrastructure Financing in Kenya?

Is Japan Beginning to Overtake China on Infrastructure Financing in Kenya?

By Patrick Anam
A closer look at the trends and differences in Japanese vs. Chinese lending to Kenya.

African Opportunities in China-Africa Relations

African Opportunities in China-Africa Relations

By Ndidi Akahara
African countries have the agency to use relations with China to their own advantage. Whether African leaders will use their power to benefit their people is another question.

China Is Manufacturing Vaccines in Africa. The Quad Should Too.

China Is Manufacturing Vaccines in Africa. The Quad Should Too.

By Veda Vaidyanathan
The implications of Beijing’s progression from donating vials of the vaccine to setting up production in the continent are hard to ignore, especially for the leaders of the Quad.
Does Guinea’s Coup Matter to China?

Does Guinea’s Coup Matter to China?

By Ovigwe Eguegu
While its bauxite and iron ore deposits make Guinea important to China, context is everything.

The Somaliland Connection: Taiwan’s Return to Africa?

The Somaliland Connection: Taiwan’s Return to Africa?

By Jean-Pierre Cabestan
Taiwan's new representative office in Hargeisa not only gives Taipei another connection to the African continent, but also establishes a new model of relations that could be extended to other states.
China’s Presence in Africa Is at Heart Political

China’s Presence in Africa Is at Heart Political

By Thierry Pairault
Beijing’s outreach to Africa is largely driven by the desire for support on the international stage from the continent’s 54 countries.

Eswatini, Taiwan’s Last Partner in Africa

Eswatini, Taiwan’s Last Partner in Africa

By Carien du Plessis
The relationship hinges on proudly democratic Taiwan befriending an absolute monarch. Will pro-democracy protests spell the end of King Mswati’s rule – and relations with Taipei?

Do Chinese Infrastructure Loans Promote Business Startups in African Countries?

Do Chinese Infrastructure Loans Promote Business Startups in African Countries?

By Jonathan Munemo
New research shows Chinese loans provide a significant boost to entrepreneurs in Africa.

Kidnappings Plague Chinese Worksites in Nigeria

Kidnappings Plague Chinese Worksites in Nigeria

By Shannon Tiezzi
Two Chinese workers were abducted this week, at least the third such incident this year.
5 Reasons to Worry About the ‘Chinese Vaccine Diplomacy’ Narrative

5 Reasons to Worry About the ‘Chinese Vaccine Diplomacy’ Narrative

By Rosie Wigmore
The buzzword masks several misleading or harmful assumptions -- both about China and about recipient countries.

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