
China in Central America

China, Taiwan, and the Future of Guatemala

China, Taiwan, and the Future of Guatemala

By R. Evan Ellis
The rapid expansion of Beijing’s political and economic influence in countries switching relations from Taiwan to China suggest that a “flip” by Guatemala could be particularly impactful.

China’s Advance in Central America and Its Strategic Importance

China’s Advance in Central America and Its Strategic Importance

By R. Evan Ellis
A China-dominated cluster is emerging among the three regimes in Central America not friendly toward the U.S.
China’s Growing Strategic Position in Nicaragua

China’s Growing Strategic Position in Nicaragua

By R. Evan Ellis
After resuming diplomatic ties in 2021, the relationship got off to a slow start but has recently picked up steam.

China’s Rapidly Growing Presence in Central America

China’s Rapidly Growing Presence in Central America

By Javier Melendez Q.
In the past six years, China's presence in the region has exploded, with worrying consequences for Central America's governance norms.

Honduras’ Turn Toward China Sparks Debate

Honduras’ Turn Toward China Sparks Debate

By Expediente Público
China’s authoritarian government – and other Central American countries’ disillusionment with Beijing – has raised concerns in Honduras about the decision to establish ties.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

China’s Uneven Military, Political, and Commercial Advance in Panama

China’s Uneven Military, Political, and Commercial Advance in Panama

By R. Evan Ellis
Since establishing ties in 2017, China has invested significant effort in Panama and made important, if uneven, progress in building influence.

Did Costa Rica’s Decision to Recognize China Pay Off?

Did Costa Rica’s Decision to Recognize China Pay Off?

By Nohelia Rivera-Matias
15 years after Costa Rica became the first Central American state to switch recognition from Taiwan, has San Jose capitalized on the change?
China’s Continued Courting of El Salvador

China’s Continued Courting of El Salvador

By Eleanor Albert
One year after El Salvador cut ties with Taiwan in favor of the mainland, the young relationship has taken an uneasy turn.

Panama Switch Marks China's Return to Checkbook Diplomacy

Panama Switch Marks China's Return to Checkbook Diplomacy

By Timothy S. Rich and Vasabjit Banerjee
Taiwan should resist the temptation to also play the game of offering aid for recognition.

Nicaragua Canal: China’s Strategic Presence in Central America

By Scott Nicholas Romaniuk
A huge project promises to give China a significant presence in the Western Hemisphere.

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