China in the gray zone

China’s Undersea Cable Sabotage
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Raymond Powell.

Emulating Russia, China Is Improving Its Ability to Operate in the Gray Zone
By Colin P. Clarke
Chinese disinformation efforts have advanced far beyond mere troll farms and online bot armies recycling conspiracy theories on social media.

What the China Spy Balloon Saga Means for India
By Poornima Balasubramanian and Megha Shrivastava
Surveillance balloons are a new threat to reckon with in the grey zone – and a wake-up call for India to enhance its intelligence and counterintelligence proficiency.

Shadow Risk: How Gray Zone Campaigns Can Escalate
By Carolina G. Ramos and Benjamin Jensen
At what point does the pressure generated and sustained by gray zone campaigns escalate?

How to Respond to Gray Zone Aggression in the Indo-Pacific
By Ross Brown
The U.S. and its allies and partners must rethink countermeasures if they want to compete in the gray zone.
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