
China-India border standoff

Life in Ladakh Along the Disputed Sino-Indian Border

Life in Ladakh Along the Disputed Sino-Indian Border

By Meha Dixit
For Changpa women in Chushul, the 2020 clashes came during a larger societal shift in gender roles.
After Modi-Xi Meet in Kazan, Will Rhetoric Be Matched by Action?

After Modi-Xi Meet in Kazan, Will Rhetoric Be Matched by Action?

By Rishi Gupta
While the steps taken to de-escalate tensions along the India-China border are significant, they are merely the beginning of a long process.

What Does the Chinese Public Think of the China-India Border Patrol Deal? 

What Does the Chinese Public Think of the China-India Border Patrol Deal? 

By Hemant Adlakha
The first public reactions to the border agreement reflect a deep suspicion of New Delhi’s “cheap tricks” and fear that Beijing is being naive. 

Avinash Paliwal on Why India’s Approach Toward Its Near East is a Cautionary Tale

Avinash Paliwal on Why India’s Approach Toward Its Near East is a Cautionary Tale

By Sudha Ramachandran
“No bridge, road, port, or rail line can connect a people divided by communalism or other ethnic fissures… One cannot build strategic connectivity while fostering social divisions.”

Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu’s Visit to India: Impact on China-India Relations

Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu’s Visit to India: Impact on China-India Relations

By Tien-sze Fang
The divergence between China and India on border issues was on full display. Nevertheless, Li's visit to New Delhi still holds some positive significance.
The Sino-Indian Border After Galwan

The Sino-Indian Border After Galwan

By Ajai Shukla
Three years since the Chinese incursions in Galwan Valley began, the Sino-Indian border remains a tinderbox.

India’s Key to Keeping the Status Quo on Its Border With China

India’s Key to Keeping the Status Quo on Its Border With China

By Siddharth Sridhar
India’s current security strategies vis-à-vis China are inadequate, but with a deterrence-by-detection strategy, the nation has a chance at maintaining its de facto border.
The Tawang Clash: The View From China

The Tawang Clash: The View From China

By Hemant Adlakha
Various Chinese media reports on the Tawang clash suggest that Beijing is determined to accelerate the frequency of border standoffs.

60 Years After the Sino-Indian War

60 Years After the Sino-Indian War

By Sushant Singh
The lingering standoff that began in 2020 reveals how little progress has been made on the border dispute between China and India.

China’s PLA Upgrades Its Forces Along Disputed Border With India

China’s PLA Upgrades Its Forces Along Disputed Border With India

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Despite continuing talks between India and China, military preparations clearly are continuing, too.

China’s Dangerous Step Toward Cyber Conflict

China’s Dangerous Step Toward Cyber Conflict

By Tobias Burgers and David J. Farber
China is changing the cyber game in East-Asia - and increasing the potential for conflict across the Indo-Pacific.
Contradictions Grow Amid Another BRICS Summit

Contradictions Grow Amid Another BRICS Summit

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The group has always been diverse in terms of economic, political, and security interests. Is it anything more than an ineffective talkshop?

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