China Internet

A Struggle for Information Control Between China’s Government and the Tech Giants
By Canghao Chen
The Chinese government risks becoming the primary obstacle to the advancement of the internet industry in China.

China’s Schools, Forced Online By Coronavirus, Run Into Censors
By Associated Press
With schools closed indefinitely, teachers are giving lectures online – where they risk abrupt and often unexplained censorship.

Why China’s Younger Generation (Sort of) Loves Jiang Zemin
By Chutian Zhou
Meet China’s “toad worshipers.”

The Quest for 5G Technology Dominance: Impact on US National Security
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Brett Simpson.

Want to Be Chief Editor in China? Better Have A Chinese Passport.
By DD Wu
China issues new rules on managing online information, further regulating its already highly-censored internet.

What Does China's New Cybersecurity Law Mean for Chinese Internet Companies?
By Lotus Ruan
New responsibilities for tech companies will make it hard for smaller firms to survive.

China: The New World Leader in Mobile Technology
By Elvis Anber
WeChat and other apps are leading a wave of innovation in China and the world.

China’s Next Five-Year Plan: Realistic Objectives?
By Sara Hsu
The targets in the plan look very much in line with China’s overall economic shift.

China to Codify Internet Control Measures
By Jennifer Zhang
Beijing hopes to make cyberspace “safe and harmonious” territory.

China and the East Asian Internet
By Sarah Cook
Internet freedom is coming under increasing pressure across East Asia, but China’s influence has its limits.

China’s Internet Agenda
By John Jamison
Attending the recent World Internet Conference, China lays out an agenda with more engagement.

Will China’s Internet Finally Open to the World?
By Lotus Yang Ruan
China claims its Internet will be multilateral, democratic, and transparent, but attacks on teachers suggest otherwise.
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