China IP theft

Europe’s Response to China’s Quest for Technology
By Ivana Karásková, Veronika Blablová, and Filip Šebok
The CCP has been funding scientific research across Europe, even in regions often dismissed as unimportant for China’s science and technology ambitions.

US-China Techno-Nationalism and the Decoupling of Innovation
By Alex Capri
As the U.S.-China rivalry spreads into the technology sector, it threatens to change the way centers of innovation can operate.

Chinese Government-Paid Scientists Plead Guilty to Stealing Research From an American Children’s Hospital
By Bonnie Girard
The same week, hundreds of NGOs urged the U.S. attorney general to designate the Chinese Communist Party a “transnational criminal organization.”

US Accuses Chinese Hackers of Stealing COVID Vaccine Research
By Robert Farley
The wisdom and morality of serious intellectual property enforcement during a pandemic are uncertain.

Russia-China: What’s a Little IP Theft Between Friends?
By Robert Farley
Is there enough space in the arms export market for both Russia and China to thrive?

US Slaps Cyberespionage Charges on 2 Chinese Intelligence Officers
By Shannon Tiezzi
The move signals that, trade war truce aside, serious tensions remain in the economic relationship.

The Impact of Chinese Espionage on the United States
By Nicholas Eftimiades
What is the cumulative impact of China’s espionage activities for the United States' economy, security, and politics?

Do the Chinese Government’s Technology Transfer Policies Even Work?
By Fatih Oktay
The U.S. and China might be moving toward a trade war for no good reason.

Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare: Assessing US Strategy
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Samantha Ravich.

China in Denial About Addiction to IP Theft
By Tyler Roney
Beijing's denials of rampant IP theft ignore the basic reality behind China's rapid development.
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