China media control
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The Globalization of China’s Media Controls: Key Trends from 2019
By Sarah Cook
The Chinese Communist Party’s international media influence campaign is expanding rapidly—and so is the world’s response.

How China Influences Media in Central and Eastern Europe
By Ivana Karásková
China has successfully planted its narratives on topics like the Hong Kong protests into major news outlets across Central and Eastern Europe.

Lost in Translation: The Hong Kong Government’s Dual Messaging Amid Protests
By Kai Yui Samuel Chan and Elizabeth Lui
Why Carrie Lam’s ostensible concession means nothing to Hong Kong activists.

China’s Crisis of Overconfidence
By David Bandurski
A culture of inflated praise rapidly becomes corrosive, as China knows only too well from its own history.

The Globalization of China’s Media Controls: Key Trends From 2018
By Sarah Cook
Five key trends in the Chinese Communist Party’s global media campaign.

Amid US-China Tension, Beijing’s Propaganda Machine Kicks Into Overdrive
By Sarah Cook
The regime’s recent media interventions may have unintended consequences.

What Will the World Give up to Share China's 'Common Destiny'?
By David Bandurski
“If we want to know how China proposes governing the world, we need only look at how it governs itself.”

Foreign Journalists in China Say Life Increasingly Harder in 2017
By Charlotte Gao
Chinese foreign ministry tells discontented foreign journalists “to do some self-reflection.”
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