
China non-interference policy

China’s Middle East Moment: Will Beijing Seize the Opportunity in Syria?

China’s Middle East Moment: Will Beijing Seize the Opportunity in Syria?

By Asad Ullah
The Syrian conflict presents a pivotal opportunity for China to exhibit its readiness to assume a true global leadership role.
The Rohingya Crisis and the Myth of Myanmar Sovereignty

The Rohingya Crisis and the Myth of Myanmar Sovereignty

By Muhammad Estiak Hussian
Powerful actors like China, Russia, ASEAN, and many other nations have refused to act in the Rohingya crisis – usually citing Myanmar’s sovereignty and the principle of non-interference.

The Trouble With China’s Global Civilization Initiative 

The Trouble With China’s Global Civilization Initiative 

By R. Evan Ellis 
The GCI is an attempt to win global buy-in for China's principle of non-interference by conflating modern-day regimes with traditional culture.

What Does China’s Horn of Africa Envoy Mean for Its Non-Intervention Principle?

What Does China’s Horn of Africa Envoy Mean for Its Non-Intervention Principle?

By Ovigwe Eguegu
China’s approach to security issues is meant to be in line with African frameworks, in accordance with the principle of non-intervention.

China’s Myanmar Mess

China’s Myanmar Mess

By Sarah M. Brooks and Debbie Stothard
Increasingly, China’s non-action on the Myanmar coup is going against Beijing’s own interests.
China Responds to Bloodshed in Myanmar With Deafening Silence

China Responds to Bloodshed in Myanmar With Deafening Silence

By Shannon Tiezzi
Beijing has a stated preference for no violence in Myanmar, but the deadly crackdown on February 28 was not enough to provoke China's condemnation.

What the Myanmar Coup Means for China

What the Myanmar Coup Means for China

By Shannon Tiezzi
China will stick to its strict policy of non-intervention, but the military takeover has created a diplomatic headache for Beijing.
China and the UAE: Birds of a Feather?

China and the UAE: Birds of a Feather?

By Bonnie Girard
The burgeoning relationship is driven by mutual self-interest and a shared embrace of the “noninterference” doctrine.

Does China Really Respect Sovereignty?

Does China Really Respect Sovereignty?

By Jacob Stokes
Both Washington and Beijing claim to champion sovereignty – they just have different ideas of what that looks like.

What Protests in Algeria and Sudan Mean for China

What Protests in Algeria and Sudan Mean for China

By Guy Burton
Given the historical and economic importance of Algeria and Sudan to China, Beijing will be watching the current protests carefully.

China’s Rise in the Middle East: Beyond Economics

China’s Rise in the Middle East: Beyond Economics

By Nicholas Lyall
As China’s economic leadership grows, can it keep aloof from tangled regional politics and security issues?
Why China Could Support Regime Change in Venezuela

Why China Could Support Regime Change in Venezuela

By Xiaoyu Lu and Maryhen Jiménez Morales
China has adopted a more flexible attitude toward regime transition and intervention than is often realized.

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