
China-Philippines relations

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Philippines’ Top Diplomat Resigns With South China Sea Verdict Looming

Philippines’ Top Diplomat Resigns With South China Sea Verdict Looming

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario has stepped down from his post.
Philippines to (Finally) Join China's Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Philippines to (Finally) Join China's Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

By Shannon Tiezzi
After months of debate, Manila will become the last founding member of the AIIB.

Philippine 'Freedom Voyage' Lands on Disputed Island in South China Sea

Philippine 'Freedom Voyage' Lands on Disputed Island in South China Sea

By Shannon Tiezzi
Defying China and the Philippine government, an activist group lands 47 people on Thitu Island.

China's President Will Head to Philippines for APEC Summit

China's President Will Head to Philippines for APEC Summit

By Shannon Tiezzi
China is hoping the South China Sea issue won't get raised on what looks to be an ice-breaking trip for Xi Jinping.

2 Chinese Diplomats Shot and Killed in the Philippines

By Ankit Panda
Two Chinese diplomats were killed and one wounded after a disagreement at a private celebration in Cebu, Philippines.
China’s Charm Offensive Continues to Sputter in Southeast Asia

China’s Charm Offensive Continues to Sputter in Southeast Asia

By Joshua Kurlantzick
There has been a significant chilling of China's relations with Southeast Asia.

The Other Claimants: Vietnam and Philippines in the South China Sea

The Other Claimants: Vietnam and Philippines in the South China Sea

By Bill Hayton
Regional capitals try to secure their interests without starting a conflict.
South China Sea: Philippines v. China

South China Sea: Philippines v. China

By Lan Nguyen
Legal questions regarding China’s non-participation in the Philippines v. China arbitration.

How China Views the South China Sea Arbitration Case

How China Views the South China Sea Arbitration Case

By Xue Li
A look at China's position on the case -- and how it could respond if the tribunal rules in the Philippines' favor.

China, Philippines Spar Over South China Sea Run-Ins

China, Philippines Spar Over South China Sea Run-Ins

By Shannon Tiezzi
Manila and Beijing clashed over a series of run-ins between their citizens and militaries in disputed areas.

Relax, China's Island-Building in the South China Sea Is No Threat

Relax, China's Island-Building in the South China Sea Is No Threat

By Dingding Chen
Despite its seeming threat, China's activities remain peaceful and defensive in nature.
China's Air Force Conducts Exercise Between Taiwan and the Philippines

China's Air Force Conducts Exercise Between Taiwan and the Philippines

By Ankit Panda
The People's Liberation Army Air Force carried out a one-day exercise over the Bashi Channel.

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