China pollution

China's Quest for Clean Tech
By Young China Watchers
Mark L. Clifford on China, renewable energy, and economic growth.

The Next Step in Beijing's War on Pollution
By Zhang Chun
Beijing is preparing new emissions standards for vehicles, but localized measures won't solve the city's smog problem.

China Has Done More About Pollution Than You Think (But It Must Do More)
By Zhimin Mao
The focus needs to be on enforcement.

India: Trouble in the Air
By Neeta Lal
Residents of New Delhi are literally choking to death. Can authorities solve the pollution problem?

The COP21 Deal: What Does It Mean for Asia?
By Nithin Coca
Asian countries played a major role in Paris, and will remain at the forefront of climate change issues.

Red Alert: Beijing Warns of Heavy Air Pollution
By Shannon Tiezzi
For the first time, Beijing issues its highest air pollution warning.

NGOs Win China's First Public Interest Environmental Lawsuit
By Zhang Chun
The case shows it's possible for environmental NGOs to win victories in court -- if they can get their cases heard.

China's Potential Pitfalls #1: The Environment
By Xue Li
"Environmental pollution is the great challenge that China must face during its next stage of development."

China: Quantitative Easing and the Pollution Problem
By Hy-sang Lee
Beijing has an opportunity to boldly tackle its pollution issue while at the same time stimulating consumption.

Mixed Verdict on Chinese Environmental Public Interest Lawsuits
By Scott Wilson
A new law allows civil society groups to sue polluters, but the government remains wary of losing control.

Water: A Global Crisis
By Peter Brabeck-Letmathe and Asit K. Biswas
The world water crisis is both severe and entirely avoidable.

Why India Won't Follow in China's Environmental Footsteps
By Elizabeth Economy
India's environmental challenges will not mirror China's.