China-Russia exercises

Zapad/Interaction Military Exercise 2021: Growing China-Russia Bonhomie?
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
In the face of isolation from the West, Russia feels that it has no choice but buttress this strategic partnership with China.

Are China and Russia Holding Joint Military Drills in the South China Sea?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Discussions are under way between Chinese and Russians officials to conduct a naval exercise in the disputed waters.

China and Russia to Hold First Computer-Enabled Missile Defense Exercise in May
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The drill is not intended against a third party, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

China and Russia to Increase Number of Military Exercises in 2016
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Chinese and Russian defense ministers agreed to hold more joint military drills in 2016 than in previous years.

The Emerging China-Russia Maritime Nexus in the Eurasian Commons
By Abhijit Singh
The growing maritime intimacy between the two powers has major strategic implications.

Is Russia Losing Control of Its Far East?
By Andrew S. Bowen and Luke Rodeheffer
Despite talk of an emerging China-Russia alliance, Moscow fears growing Chinese dominance in the east.
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