China South China Sea Approach

China’s Big Gamble in the South China Sea
By Hung Tran
Heightened China-Philippines tension around Second Thomas Shoal could escalate to military skirmishes – and that’s a chance Beijing appears willing to take.

China’s Bid to Construct a ‘Maritime Community With a Shared Future’ in the South China Sea
By Luc Minh Tuan
China’s quest for control of the disputed waters goes beyond security to include economic and cultural dimensions as well.

The China-Philippine Collisions in the South China Sea: What Now?
By Shannon Tiezzi
In this exclusive interview, Commodore Jay Tarriela, spokesperson for the West Philippine Sea at the Philippine Coast Guard, discusses the current situation near Second Thomas Shoal.

China’s New ‘Standard Map’ Does Not Mean What You Think It Means
By Mark Raymond and David A. Welch
Nothing in the map suggests that China is making a novel territorial claim. In fact, Beijing may be quietly walking one particularly questionable claim back.

China, Indonesia, and Malaysia: Waltzing Around Oil Rigs
By Emirza Adi Syailendra
Malaysia and Indonesia have tacitly consented to China’s assertive actions in the South China Sea.

China’s Vast Maritime Claims Are Becoming Reality
By Raymond Powell
Recent comments from Chinese officials highlight how Beijing purposefully conflates existing legal terminology with its own extralegal claims.

Is China Done With Salami Slicing?
By Tobias Burgers and Scott Romaniuk
Beijing appears to have given up its incremental strategy in favor of more sizable power grabs.

Did COVID-19 Really Give China a Strategic Advantage?
By Denny Roy
For China, the pandemic was more burden than opportunity.

China’s Pressure Costs Vietnam $1 Billion in the South China Sea
By Bill Hayton
Vietnam is compensating international oil companies after cancelling their contracts in the dispute region over pressure from China.

China’s Self-Inflicted Wounds in the South China Sea
By Rahul Mishra
Increased aggression from Beijing has sparked more robust responses from Washington and the regional claimant states.

Pay Attention to China’s ‘Blue Sea 2020’ Project
By YingHui Lee
Is China quietly securitizing marine environmental protection in the South China Sea?

Blunting China’s South China Sea ‘New Normal’ Quest Starts With the Southeast Asian Claimants
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Beijing’s continued inroads are unlikely to be reversed unless the most interested parties in the South China Sea work to get past familiar obstacles.
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