China South China Sea policy

A Recipe for Disaster in the South China Sea
By Mark J. Valencia
A recent proposal for the Trump administration could spark a war in the already tense region.

The 'Civilization' of China’s Military Presence in the South China Sea
By Zhibo Qiu
Chinese policy in the South China Sea increasingly focuses on boosting its civilian presence on disputed islands.

The Next South China Sea Flashpoint: Unmanned Systems
By Elsa Kania
Both China and the U.S. are increasingly using unmanned vehicles in contested waters.

Why China’s Behavior in the South China Sea Is Not Surprising
By Ong Weichong
China's seizure of a U.S. underwater drone is consistent with Beijing's strategy, policy, and actions.

China's Maritime Strategy on the Horizon
By Tuan N. Pham
There's a fleeting strategic opportunity for the U.S. to influence Beijing’s looming and evolving maritime strategy.

South China Sea: The Case Against an ADIZ
By Roncevert Ganan Almond
Setting up an air defense identification zone in the South China Sea would be an ill-conceived step for Beijing.

Russia to Send Anti-Submarine Warfare Destroyers to South China Sea
By Franz-Stefan Gady
China and Russia will hold a joint naval drill in the South China Sea in September.

Downplaying Sino-US Tensions in the South China Sea
By Hunter Marston
How to help ease tensions in what is often called the world's most important bilateral relationship.

The US-China Perception Gap in the South China Sea
By David J. Firestein
The United States and China perceive the South China Sea issue in starkly different terms.

How India Should Approach Newly Assertive China
By K.S. Venkatachalam
India should be wary of growing Chinese designs in Asia, but needs to avoid aligning totally with the United States.

The Forgotten Chinese Dream: Winning Hearts and Minds
By Zach Przystup
China seems to have forgotten the counsel of its ancient philosophers on how to govern effectively.

Can China Keep India Silent Over the South China Sea?
By Wang Jin
China wants to make sure India does not raise the issue at the upcoming G20 Summit.