China-Taiwan conflict

The Taiwan Emergency Debate … in Taiwan
What do the Taiwanese people themselves think?

China Sanctions Lockheed Martin, Raytheon for Taiwan Sales
By Joe McDonald
The United States bars most sales of weapons-related technology to China anyway, so it’s unclear what effect the sanctions will have.

Taiwan’s Tsai Visits Base as China Protests US Ship Passage
By Taijing Wu
Tsai's visit to the base in the central county of Chiayi comes as Taiwan is seeking to boost its defenses against the rising threat from China.

Suppose the US Defeats a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan. What Then?
By Connor Swank
A Taiwan conflict in which the United States and its allies win the battles but lose the war would not be a historical first.

Potential Logistical and Operational Costs of a China-Taiwan Conflict
By Sara Hsu
Half of the global container fleet passed through the Taiwan Strait this year, making it a critical waterway for global supply chains.

Japanese Former Defense Minister Morimoto Satoshi on a Taiwan Contingency
By Kosuke Takahashi
If “China can unify Taiwan while eliminating U.S. interference. This is the best scenario for China... The surrounding countries cannot help Taiwan.”

A Tale of Two Crises: Why US Strategy in Ukraine Has Few Implications for Taiwan
By Scott Singer and Mathias Gjesdal Hammer
The strategic lessons to be learned in a potential Ukraine conflict are limited – and potentially misleading when applied to Taiwan.

How UAVs Could Spark a Military Conflict in the Taiwan Strait
By Tobias Burgers and Scott N. Romaniuk
It makes tactical, operational, and strategic sense for China to start using UAVs in its incursions into Taiwan's ADIZ. Taiwan needs to decide now how it would respond.

Taiwan Applies for CPTPP Membership
By Shannon Tiezzi
Taiwan is a natural fit for the CPTPP in economic terms, but its bid will likely face intense opposition from China.

Dire Straits: Taiwan’s Fragile Status Quo
By Hanns W. Maull
For Taipei, Beijing, and Washington, the standoff is about national identities as much as territory.

Was Taiwan Ever Really a Part of China?
By Evan Dawley
John Cena's apology is a good opportunity to look back at the historical reality of Taiwan's status and identity over the last 200 years.

The Chinese Are Coming – to Taiwan?
By Amitai Etzioni
There are risks in hyping a threat.