
China-Tajikistan defense relations

China’s Rise Reverberates in Tajikistan

China’s Rise Reverberates in Tajikistan

By Sher Khashimov
China’s growing importance to – and influence over – the country is a case study in Beijing’s geopolitical rise over the past several decades.
China’s Security Infrastructure Continues to Grow in Tajikistan

China’s Security Infrastructure Continues to Grow in Tajikistan

By Catherine Putz
Several reports in October underscore the persistent growth of Chinese security engagement in Tajikistan.

To Prevent Violent Extremism in Tajikistan, Promote Religious Freedom

To Prevent Violent Extremism in Tajikistan, Promote Religious Freedom

By Tony Perkins and Nury Turkel
Washington should promote and directly incorporate religious freedom training as a requirement for Tajikistan to receive aid.

Why Did Tajikistan Make an Appearance in the China Military Power Report?

Why Did Tajikistan Make an Appearance in the China Military Power Report?

By Catherine Putz
The U.S. Department of Defense included Tajikistan in a list of possible locations for future Chinese military facilities.

China in Tajikistan: New Report Claims Chinese Troops Patrol Large Swaths of the Afghan-Tajik Border

China in Tajikistan: New Report Claims Chinese Troops Patrol Large Swaths of the Afghan-Tajik Border

By Catherine Putz
A new WSJ report cites a Tajik official claiming China is much more deeply involved in Tajikistan than it admits.
Why Is China's Top Military Official Visiting Central Asia?

Why Is China's Top Military Official Visiting Central Asia?

By Catherine Putz
With Xu Qiliang making stops in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, China is continuing to boost security relations in the region.

China and Tajikistan To Establish Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

China and Tajikistan To Establish Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

By Charlotte Gao
Tajik President visits China to attend the BRICS Summit as a guest.
China's Economic and Military Expansion in Tajikistan

China's Economic and Military Expansion in Tajikistan

By Fuad Shahbazov
Tajikistan is emerging as a test case for China's growing security role in Central Asia.

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