
China-U.S. relations

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Taiwan: A Status Upgrade Is Now Affordable

Taiwan: A Status Upgrade Is Now Affordable

By Denny Roy
Why the time is right for Washington to stop fretting excessively about Chinese sensitivities over Taiwan.
Implications of the US-China Split at the ARF

Implications of the US-China Split at the ARF

By Thuc D. Pham
Divergent views on how to handle SCS disputes could still inspire a Code of Conduct.

China’s Global Times Mocks Obama

China’s Global Times Mocks Obama

By Zachary Keck
The state-run paper carried an editorial on Tuesday that mocked and taunted the U.S. president.

Why the 'China Dream' Doesn’t Challenge US Global Leadership

Why the 'China Dream' Doesn’t Challenge US Global Leadership

By Jin Kai
The 'China Dream' is a vision for China itself, not a blueprint for overthrowing the US-led global system.

China Has Strategic Confidence (So Expect Tensions to Continue)

China Has Strategic Confidence (So Expect Tensions to Continue)

By Dingding Chen
China has gained a new sort of strategic confidence that allows it to behave independently in Asia.
China-U.S. Relations: The Myth of the Thucydides Trap

China-U.S. Relations: The Myth of the Thucydides Trap

By Wei Zongyou
There are strong reasons to believe that China’s rise will indeed be a peaceful one.

How U.S. Military Power Benefits China

How U.S. Military Power Benefits China

By Stephen Ellis
For all the factors driving great power rivalry, there are some that encourage cooperation.
Could China Work With Germany to Solve Ukraine Crisis?

Could China Work With Germany to Solve Ukraine Crisis?

By Shannon Tiezzi
Germany's engagement with China over Ukraine raises the possibility for Beijing to back diplomatic talks.

China Inc. and the CFIUS National Security Review

China Inc. and the CFIUS National Security Review

By Ziad Haider
Some significant Chinese deals in the U.S. have been blocked. Is China being unfairly treated?

U.S.-China Relations: Stop Striving For “Trust”

U.S.-China Relations: Stop Striving For “Trust”

The price of achieving trust in the bilateral relationship may be too high.

Xi Jinping's U.S. Visit: What It Tells Us

Xi Jinping's U.S. Visit: What It Tells Us

The president’s visit will cap a period of active Chinese diplomacy. It also suggests Beijing’s diplomatic priorities.

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