China-U.S.-Taiwan triangle
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U.S. Congressman Accuses China of ‘Visa Blackmail’ Due to Planned Taiwan Visit
By Nick Aspinwall
Representative Sean Patrick Maloney said Beijing denied visas to a U.S. congressional delegation due to their plans to also visit Taiwan.

Don’t Mess With Taiwan
By Michael McCaul
The U.S. commitment to Taiwan will never be up for discussion with China, warns House Representative Michael McCaul.

Why the US May Lose Taiwan to Beijing Economically
By Charles I-hsin Chen
Washington needs to give economic ties as much focus as security ties, lest Taiwan fall irrevocably into Beijing’s orbit.

Why a US Sale of Fighter Jets to Taiwan Matters
By John Lee
It wouldn’t change the military balance across the Taiwan Strait, but would signal a shift in U.S. support for Taipei.

The Taiwan Relations Act at 40
By Tiffany Ma and Jessica Drun
40 years after the U.S. passed a law to govern unofficial ties with Taiwan, the world has shifted dramatically.

The Trump-Xi Summit: Realistic Outcomes for 2 Dreamers
By Yawei Liu
It will take two dreamers, without outside-the-box thinking, to make breakthroughs in the U.S.-China relationship.

'One China,' 5 Interpretations
By JM Norton
The various ways different stakeholders in Beijing, Taipei, and Washington interpret "one China."

The US and the 1992 Consensus
By Eric Huang
Looking at the recent comments by AIT Chairman Raymond Burghardt.
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