China-UAE relations

China and UAE to Conduct First Joint Fighter Jet Drill in August
By Takahashi Kosuke
The move can be seen not only as another attempt by Beijing to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Middle East, but also as a countermeasure against Tokyo.

China’s Overseas Police Service Stations in the Middle East
By Mordechai Chaziza
Chinese Overseas Police Service Stations are known to be present in Israel and the UAE. However, their specific locations, functions, and extent are shrouded in secrecy.

The Growing China-Indonesia-UAE Trilateral Relations
By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat and Yeta Purnama
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the three nations have established a triad of deepening and mutually beneficial relationships.

No, the ‘Middle East Quad’ Is Not Anti-China
By Guy Burton
Whatever the U.S. and India might hope, Israel and the UAE are not interested in countering China.

China’s Foreign Minister Heads to the Middle East
By Shannon Tiezzi
Wang Yi's six-country tour highlights the region's expanding importance for China.

China’s Vaccine Diplomacy in the Middle East
By Austin Bodetti
Gulf states like Bahrain and the UAE are using a Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccine, highlighting a new type of cooperation with China.

China and the UAE: Birds of a Feather?
By Bonnie Girard
The burgeoning relationship is driven by mutual self-interest and a shared embrace of the “noninterference” doctrine.

The X Factor in China-UAE Relations: The Horn of Africa
By Samuel Ramani
From port competition to the Somaliland issue, China and the UAE's conflicting interests in the region are not easy to reconcile.

The Rise of Islamic Finance on China’s Belt and Road
By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
The BRI in the Gulf has given rise to Chinese investment in developing the Islamic financial sector.

China, UAE Upgrade Partnership During Xi's Visit
By Shannon Tiezzi
The UAE's enthusiastic welcome of Xi came alongside new deals.

What the Gulf States Think of 'One Belt, One Road'
By Giorgio Cafiero and Daniel Wagner
Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, and Oman have mixed feelings about China's ambitious project.
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