China War on Pollution

Is China Winning Its War on Pollution?
By Shannon Tiezzi
Six years after the “airpocalypse,” China has made progress – but is still struggling in some areas.

What Caused China’s Squeeze on Natural Gas?
By Li Jing
A program to ban coal heating and switch to gas left households in the cold. What happened?

China Cleans up Its Act on Environmental Enforcement
By Peter Corne and Johnny Browaeys
China's latest environmental crackdown actually has teeth – and it's not ending any time soon.

Report: China and India Have World's Deadliest Air Pollution
By K.S. Venkatachalam
The Health Effects Institute finds India and China to be the deadliest air polluting countries of the world.

The Next Step in Beijing's War on Pollution
By Zhang Chun
Beijing is preparing new emissions standards for vehicles, but localized measures won't solve the city's smog problem.

China's New Blueprint for an 'Ecological Civilization'
By Zhang Chun
China wants local officials to stop ignoring the environment in favor of the economy.

What Made Chinese Mayors Step Up Pollution Fight?
By Liu Qin
Chinese mayors are taking drastic measures to cut pollution after "chats" with the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

China's Anti-Corruption Fight Turns Toward Environmental Agency
By chinadialogue
With the investigation of a vice minister, China gets serious about holding environmental officials accountable.

The Hypocrisy of China’s War on Pollution
By David Volodzko
China's government talks often about a "war on pollution," but refuses to equip its greatest weapon: public awareness.

How the Next 5 Years Could Make or Break China's 'War on Pollution'
By Shannon Tiezzi
China's environment minister is hopeful that the next five year plan will include strong environmental targets.

China to US: South China Sea Recon ‘Irresponsible and Dangerous'
By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, a landmark court case in China and a treasure trove of historical Chinese documents. Friday China links.

Is China’s Environmental Tide Turning? 4 Things to Watch
By Elizabeth Economy
Four barometers for gauging the progress of China's "war on pollution."
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