
Chinese Civil War

A Forgotten Chinese Hero: Zhang Xueliang

A Forgotten Chinese Hero: Zhang Xueliang

By Chi Wang
The Xi’an Incident changed the course of Chinese history.
What George Marshall Learned From His Time in China

What George Marshall Learned From His Time in China

By Robert Farley
Marshall couldn’t stop the Chinese Civil War, but what did he learn?

The Last Jedi and the Founding Mythology of the Chinese Communist Party

The Last Jedi and the Founding Mythology of the Chinese Communist Party

By Robert Farley
What the new Star Wars film and the Chinese Communist Party's founding myths have in common.

George Kennan’s Other Long Telegram — About the Far East

George Kennan’s Other Long Telegram — About the Far East

By Francis P. Sempa
The author of Cold War containment recommended U.S. retrenchment across the board in Asia.

Myanmar’s Kuomintang 'Incursion'

Myanmar’s Kuomintang 'Incursion'

By Alice Dawkins
Where the borders of China and Myanmar rub together, the line between insiders and outsiders becomes rather blurry.
What if the Kuomintang Had Won the Chinese Civil War?

What if the Kuomintang Had Won the Chinese Civil War?

By Benjamin David Baker
What would China’s history look like if Chiang Kai-shek had ignored George C. Marshall’s request in 1946?

The Kennan-MacArthur Meeting and the Future of Japan

The Kennan-MacArthur Meeting and the Future of Japan

By Francis P. Sempa
A meeting by two 20th century giants had profound implications for Occupied Japan.
The CCP Didn’t Fight Imperial Japan; the KMT Did

The CCP Didn’t Fight Imperial Japan; the KMT Did

By Zachary Keck
While the KMT military defended China against Japan during WWII, the CCP built up strength for the civil war.

Mearsheimer Is Dangerously Optimistic

Mearsheimer Is Dangerously Optimistic

By James R. Holmes
Mearsheimer’s claim that China’s military power is significantly inferior to the U.S. misses the point.

The KMT Soldiers Who Stayed Behind In China

The KMT Soldiers Who Stayed Behind In China

The CCP has decided to recognize the Nationalist soldiers who didn’t flee to Taiwan.

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