Chinese economic slowdown

China GDP Fails to Calm Bears
By Anthony Fensom
The official figure was nearly on target, but critics are unappeased.

Asia Versus The Fed
By Anthony Fensom
A U.S. interest rate hike could create more turbulence in Asian economies.

China's Premier Defends Economic Health at Global Meeting
By Shannon Tiezzi
Li Keqiang used the Summer Davos to reassure the world that China's economy is going strong.

China: Sentenced to Debt?
By Sara Hsu
The country is grappling with a serious debt problem. Can it be overcome?

A Cold Summer for China and Russia?
By Gregory Shtraks
Political relations between the two giants remain warm, but economic ties appear to be cooling.

China’s Mounting Fiscal Problems
By Sara Hsu
Reforms are on the backburner as central and local governments try and stimulate growth.

Macau Gambles on More Casinos Amid Downturn
By Anthony Fensom
Is the “Las Vegas of the Far East” taking too big a gamble?

China’s Slumping Trade Account
By Sara Hsu
Domestic and international factors are driving significant changes in imports and exports.

Asia’s Growth Gap: India Versus The Rest
By Anthony Fensom
India is rapidly emerging as Asia’s next growth leader.

Can Asia Overcome Lower Growth Speed Limits?
By Anthony Fensom
The region continues to lead in growth, but the risks are growing.

India to the Rescue as Australia Eyes Coal’s Crown
By Anthony Fensom
With Chinese demand falling, Australia’s coal producers are looking to other markets.

No, China’s Not About to Collapse
By Timothy Heath
Yes, the CCP faces challenges, but it is stronger than you think.