
Chinese Espionage

Harvard Researcher Charged Over Undisclosed China Links

Harvard Researcher Charged Over Undisclosed China Links

By Ankit Panda
Charles Lieber, a prominent Harvard University nanoscience researcher, was arrested and charged on Tuesday.

Poland Charges Huawei Manager With Spying for China

Poland Charges Huawei Manager With Spying for China

By Vanessa Gera
Huawei's legal troubles abroad continue, this time with a espionage charges against a local director.
Lawfare and Beyond: The Intellectual Property Front in the US-China Trade War

Lawfare and Beyond: The Intellectual Property Front in the US-China Trade War

By Robert Farley
Just how sustainable will U.S. efforts at ‘lawfare’ in protecting intellectual property be?

The Impact of Chinese Espionage on the United States

The Impact of Chinese Espionage on the United States

By Nicholas Eftimiades
What is the cumulative impact of China’s espionage activities for the United States' economy, security, and politics?

Chinese National Indicted in US Economic Espionage Case, Extradited to US

Chinese National Indicted in US Economic Espionage Case, Extradited to US

By Ankit Panda
In a first, a Chinese national has been extradited to the United States in an economic espionage case.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

FBI Employee Pleads Guilty to Acting as Chinese Government Agent

FBI Employee Pleads Guilty to Acting as Chinese Government Agent

By Ankit Panda
An FBI employee pleaded guilty to passing sensitive information to Chinese government agents.

On the OPM Hack, Don’t Let China Off the Hook

On the OPM Hack, Don’t Let China Off the Hook

By Matthew F. Ferraro
By portraying the attack as acceptable, the United States is surrendering valuable ground.
The Spies Are Coming! The Spies Are Coming to Taiwan!

The Spies Are Coming! The Spies Are Coming to Taiwan!

By J. Michael Cole
Just how bad is Taiwan's spy problem?

Why Spy on Taiwan When Taiwan Gives Information Away for Free?

Why Spy on Taiwan When Taiwan Gives Information Away for Free?

By J. Michael Cole
Mainland China's attempts to spy on Taiwanese activities are being abetted by Taiwanese agents.

China’s Misunderstood Spies

China’s Misunderstood Spies

Chinese intelligence services are often assumed to use a vacuum cleaner approach to espionage. It’s a view that risks undermining other countries’ security efforts.

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