Chinese GDP

The Relationship Between the Size of China’s Economy and Its Military Posture
By Robert Farley
The relative sizes of the Chinese and U.S. economies are close to that of the Japanese and U.S. economies in the interwar period.

China GDP Fails to Calm Bears
By Anthony Fensom
The official figure was nearly on target, but critics are unappeased.

China’s Mixed Growth Forecasts
By Sara Hsu
The more conservative estimates of China’s future economic growth may underestimate its capacity to reform.

Could China Miss its First Growth Target Since the Financial Crisis?
By Clint Richards
Consumer demand doesn’t appear strong enough to keep the economy on course.

China: Avoiding the Minsky Moment
By Daniel Kollar
Troubling signs have been emerging in China's shadow banking sector. The government is responding.

China’s Tough Policy Choices
Data continue to show a slowdown. Will the government cave to pressure for further stimulus?
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