Chinese investment abroad

Examining Crime and Terrorism Along China’s Belt and Road
By Philip Dubow
In 2017, I asked if Xi Jinping’s signature strategy was increasing crime and terrorism. Today, are we any closer to an answer?

How the US Should Respond to China’s Belt and Road
By Abigail Grace and Max Hill
A focus on promoting transparency and fighting corruption rather than China-bashing will be more successful in the long run.

Foreign Aid With Chinese Characteristics
By Jacob Mardell
CIDCA may professionalize Beijing’s foreign aid agenda, but it will also institutionalize a mercantilist model of development.

Sizing up Chinese Investments in Europe
By John Seaman, Miguel Otero-Iglesias, and Mikko Huotari
How can Europe strike the right balance between security and economic openness?

Revisiting the Resurrected Debate About Chinese Neocolonialism
By Jean-Marc F. Blanchard
The potential upsides of Chinese investment may be greater than recognized while the negatives may be exaggerated.

How Chinese FDI Will Transform the Global Economy
By Courtney Rickert McCaffrey
Chinese companies are moving abroad, and in doing so will reshape the global economy.

One Belt, One Road, and One Big Competition
By Jacob Mardell
It's not just China; the race to build Eurasian infrastructure has many players.

The Problem With China’s One Belt, One Road Strategy
By Spencer Sheehan
China has a mixed record with large infrastructure projects abroad, something OBOR host countries should keep in mind.

China's Mediterranean Interests and Challenges
By Andrea Ghiselli
The region is one of expanding interests and growing challenges for Beijing.

China and Germany: The Honeymoon Is Over
By Klaus Larres
A visit to China by Germany's economics minister highlighted a blunter approach to bilateral relations.

Hard Times for Chinese Investors in Europe
By Magda Tsakalidou
Individual EU countries like Germany are becoming more skeptical toward Chinese investment.

The Political Consequences of China’s Financial Emigrants
By Steve Hess
China's wealthy aren't challenging the Communist Party -- they're simply leaving the country.