
Chinese investment in Africa

China and Equatorial Guinea: Why Their New ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’ Matters

China and Equatorial Guinea: Why Their New ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’ Matters

By Ovigwe Eguegu
Is Beijing’s rumored plan for a base in the African country moving closer to fruition?

Why Angola’s Latest Visit to China Is Good for the G7

Why Angola’s Latest Visit to China Is Good for the G7

By Ovigwe Eguegu
President Lourenço’s visit took place amid the talk of growing global competition between the United States and China in the Southern African region.
What Did the 3rd Belt and Road Forum Mean for Africa?

What Did the 3rd Belt and Road Forum Mean for Africa?

By Trevor Lwere
There has been much talk of a perceived slowdown in BRI lending, but African leaders are still looking to China to advance development goals.

Comparing China’s Engagement in Africa and Latin America

Comparing China’s Engagement in Africa and Latin America

By R. Evan Ellis
There are substantial commonalities in Beijing’s engagement between the two regions, but also differences that provide insights into how China-based entities make, and adapt, policies.

China’s Oil Gambit in Africa’s Conflict Zones

China’s Oil Gambit in Africa’s Conflict Zones

By Robert Bociaga
Across the continent, China is doubling down on energy investments even in the face of local opposition and violent conflict.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Does the China-Africa Trade Expo Matter?

Does the China-Africa Trade Expo Matter?

By Ovigwe Eguegu and Hannah Ryder
The third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE) will need to build on past lessons and successes to really reshape China-Africa trade.

China Should Invest in a Green Transition, Not the East African Crude Oil Pipeline

China Should Invest in a Green Transition, Not the East African Crude Oil Pipeline

By Abigail Sunshine Nalule
Even while China chairs the U.N. biodiversity conference, its companies are damaging crucial ecosystems in Uganda.
Tanzanian President’s Visit to China Means One Thing: Africa’s Agenda Matters.

Tanzanian President’s Visit to China Means One Thing: Africa’s Agenda Matters.

By Huiyi Chen and Sena Voncujovi
If African countries like Tanzania have any say in the matter, rumors of the BRI’s death are greatly exaggerated.

The Secrets of China’s Economic Statecraft in Africa

The Secrets of China’s Economic Statecraft in Africa

By Anzetse Were
Beijing has succeeded by responding to African governments' precise needs, against a backdrop of lingering mistrust of the West.

How China’s Ambitious Belt and Road Plans for East Africa Came Apart

How China’s Ambitious Belt and Road Plans for East Africa Came Apart

By David Skidmore
China’s infrastructure projects abroad often suffer from misinterpretations of the local political climate.

China’s Investment Drive and Africa’s Disjointed Infrastructure

China’s Investment Drive and Africa’s Disjointed Infrastructure

By Oluwatosin Adeshokan
The Lagos-Ibadan train line joins a list of disjointed infrastructure projects taken up on the African continent by Chinese firms.
Is the Africa-China Relationship at Its Lowest or Highest Level Yet?

Is the Africa-China Relationship at Its Lowest or Highest Level Yet?

By Leah Lynch, Hannah Ryder, and Jing Cai
A focus on a supposed drop in Chinese financing overlooks the commitment to strengthen relations in other key areas of importance to African leaders.

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