Chinese investment in Myanmar
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China Faces Increasing Competition in Myanmar
By Tridivesh Singh Maini and Sandeep Sachdeva
Japan and Singapore are stepping up their engagement with Myanmar, where China has long dominated.

Foreign Investors Jittery Amid Myanmar's Rohingya Crisis
By Yigal Chazan
Western companies have been slow to exploit opportunities in Myanmar, especially as the Rohingya crisis worsens.

Why the US Shouldn't Have Lifted Sanctions on Myanmar
By Aaron Balshan
The removal of sanctions will not do Myanmar's fledgling democracy any favors.

China Faces Tougher Laws in Myanmar
By Vicky Bowman
In the wake of the controversial Myitsone dam, Aung San Suu Kyi is demanding more from investors in high risk projects.

What Myanmar Should Do About the Myitsone Dam
By Jared MacDonald
Cancelling and continuing the Chinese project both have consequences. Is there a third option?

Chinese Company Wins Contract for Deep Sea Port in Myanmar
By Shannon Tiezzi
CITIC Group has won a contract to develop a port in Kyaukpyu on the Bay of Bengal.
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