
Climate Change

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UN: Climate Change to Uproot Millions, Especially in Asia

UN: Climate Change to Uproot Millions, Especially in Asia

By Victoria Milko and Julie Watson
Asia leads the world in the number of people being displaced by extreme weather.
For Vietnam, Climate Justice Means Tackling Disparities Globally and at Home

For Vietnam, Climate Justice Means Tackling Disparities Globally and at Home

By Kanni Wignaraja and Caitlin Wiesen
For middle-income countries like Vietnam climate change mitigation cannot come at the expense economic development and improving the lives of the poor.

Seeking Higher Ground: Climate Resilience in the Maldives

Seeking Higher Ground: Climate Resilience in the Maldives

By Nicholas Muller
Maldivians cannot wait much longer for durable solutions to the threats posed by climate change.

A Perfect Dry: The Mekong River Enters its Fourth Year of Drought

A Perfect Dry: The Mekong River Enters its Fourth Year of Drought

By Luke Hunt
A conversation with Brian Eyler of the Stimson Center.

What Turned This Arunachal Pradesh River Brown?

What Turned This Arunachal Pradesh River Brown?

By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
Scientists warn that the turbidity of the Kameng river could become irreversible, with lasting impact on Himalayan biodiversity.
K-pop Fandom’s Climate Change Rebellion

K-pop Fandom’s Climate Change Rebellion

By Mai Anna Pressley
Socially conscious K-pop fans are demanding more from South Korean entertainment companies. Can this lead to meaningful adoption of environmental policies in the industry?

India and China Can Quit Coal Earlier, But the World Must Work Alongside Them

India and China Can Quit Coal Earlier, But the World Must Work Alongside Them

By Beibei Yin
We need a much more ambitious global partnership on the phasing out of coal, one that thinks and acts beyond what is perceived as feasible today.
Judith Shapiro on the Future of China’s Climate Policy

Judith Shapiro on the Future of China’s Climate Policy

By Jesse Turland
A discussion of China’s role at COP26, the significance of China’s blackouts induced by coal shortages, and future directions China’s climate policy might take.

Taking the Climate Crisis Seriously Requires Ambitious Anti-Corruption Solutions

Taking the Climate Crisis Seriously Requires Ambitious Anti-Corruption Solutions

By Ian J. Lynch and Maja Groff
The climate change movement should recognize the threat grand corruption poses to achieving its goals.

Why Is It So Hard for the World to Quit Coal?

Why Is It So Hard for the World to Quit Coal?

By Aniruddha Ghosal
The lives and livelihoods of nearly 4 million people in India are directly or indirectly linked to coal.

Can COP26 Become a Turning Point for Gender Responsive Climate Action?

Can COP26 Become a Turning Point for Gender Responsive Climate Action?

By Mohammad Naciri, Samantha Hung, and Sun-Ah Kim
Any meaningful international effort to address climate change must have women and girls at its center.
A Turning Point for Renewable Energy in Indonesia?

A Turning Point for Renewable Energy in Indonesia?

By Massita Ayu Cindy and Vivi Fitriyanti
President Jokowi's administration seems poised to break through the regulatory bottlenecks that have long held back the country's renewable energy ambitions.

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