color revolution

What Conclusions Is China Drawing From the Wagner Revolt in Russia?
By Björn Alexander Düben
The direct parallels to China are limited, but the unexpected challenge to Putin’s regime will likely fuel further emphasis on domestic stability within Xi’s.

Divergent Diplomatic Paths on Belarus Across the Former Soviet Union
By Catherine Putz
The states of the former USSR have taken divergent paths -- some congratulating, some condemning -- in response to the election and protests in Belarus.

Overseas NGOs in China: Left in Legal Limbo
By Kristin Shi-Kupfer and Bertram Lang
As many feared, the new law in practice seems designed to make life difficult for international organizations.

Why Trump Can't Break Russia Away From China
By John S. Van Oudenaren
The conditions just aren't right for Kissinger-style triangular diplomacy.

Nazarbayev Speaks: Warns of a Color Revolution in Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
The Kazakh president blamed instigators from abroad for recent violence and protests.

Beijing’s Peaceful Evolution Paranoia
By John S. Van Oudenaren
The Chinese Communist Party’s obsession with the threat of a color revolution is revealing.

Interview: Competing Perspectives on Democracy in Central Asia
By Catherine Putz
The Diplomat talks with Dr. Mariya Y. Omelicheva about why efforts to promote democracy have failed in the region.

How a Hong Kong Newspaper Became an Occupy Movement Flashpoint
By Shannon Tiezzi
The protests outside Apple Daily headquarters provide a microcosm for the larger issues at play.

China Claims US Behind Hong Kong Protests
By Zachary Keck
The Chinese Communist Party's official newspaper claims the U.S. is trying to foment a "color revolution" in Hong Kong.

America and Britain's Hong Kong Catch-22
By Shannon Tiezzi
Remaining on the sidelines is the best thing the U.S. and the U.K. can do to help the Hong Kong protestors.

Does the US Have 'Trump Cards' Over China?
By Jin Kai
The idea that the U.S. has several "trump cards" to use against China ignores the complexity of U.S.-China relations.
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