Confucius Institutes

China’s Panda Diplomacy
By Andreas Pacher
Like Confucius Institutes, pandas are one of China’s most potent tools in foreign relations.

China Plays Up ASEAN Confucius Institute Presence With Laos Project
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A new project spotlights Beijing’s use of these institutions within broader ASEAN-China ties.

What Is China's Meddling in Australia Actually Buying?
By Kerry Brown
Of all major liberal, multi-party democracies, Australia may be the most exposed to China.

America's Overhyped Worries About Chinese Money in Hollywood
By Jean-Marc F. Blanchard
U.S. authorities should watch, not reject, Chinese investment in the entertainment sector.

'Lovable' Taiwan and Its Soft Power Quest
By Shannon Tiezzi
Taiwan's deputy minister of culture speaks with The Diplomat.

Resisting Beijing’s Global Media Influence
By Sarah Cook
There is an ongoing Chinese government campaign to promote its views and suppress criticism around the world.

The UK: A Success Story for China’s Educational Soft Power
By Bochen Han
Unlike other Western countries, Britain is eager to welcome China's Confucius Institutes and educational outreach.

China's Confucius Institutes and the Soft War
By David Volodzko
With the closing of Confucius Institutes, China may be heading for a "soft power" war with the West.

Confucius Institutes – Quo Vadis?
By Falk Hartig
Representatives gather in China to discuss the future of the occasionally controversial Confucius Institutes.
American Universities Face a Confucius Institute Dilemma
By Robert Farley
How should U.S. universities evaluate the value of their Confucius Institutes?

The Undoing of China’s Soft Power
By Zhiqun Zhu
Beijing is struggling to effectively direct soft power at its cross-strait neighbor.

Confucius Institutes: Hardly a Threat to Academic Freedoms
By Edward A. McCord
There is little evidence to suggest Confucius Institutes on U.S. campuses restrain academic freedoms.