Constitutional Democratic Party
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Can Japan’s Main Opposition Party Win Public Approval?
By Thisanka Siripala
The new leader of the CDP is focusing on a policy-based approach to rebuild after a crushing election loss.

Japan’s Ruling LDP Wins Outright Majority in General Election
By Thisanka Siripala
Japan’s new prime minister secured a comfortable win in the lower house election, with the opposition suffering a significant defeat.

Japan’s General Election Gives a Rare Chance of Political Change
By Thisanka Siripala
Japan’s opposition parties have teamed up, but will it be enough to bring about a change in government?

Japan Should Have a Serious Debate on Revising Its Constitution—But Not Now
By Rintaro Nishimura
Shinzo Abe is right about the need for a debate, but the time is not right.

Japan Election Victory Gives Abe Mandate For Reform
By Anthony Fensom
The ruling coalition scores a two-thirds majority in the Lower House elections.
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