

Sustaining Sri Lanka’s Nascent Climate Finance Ambitions

Sustaining Sri Lanka’s Nascent Climate Finance Ambitions

By Anushka Wijesinha
Sri Lanka has been taking an increasingly active role in the global discourse on climate finance for vulnerable economies. Will the new president continue these efforts?
Women Bear the Brunt of Asia’s Climate Failures

Women Bear the Brunt of Asia’s Climate Failures

By Gabriela Fernando and Samanthi Gunawardana
What does the future hold for the millions of women left to work in Asia's agriculture sector battling a climate in collapse?

Afghanistan Left out of Global Climate Change Conversation

Afghanistan Left out of Global Climate Change Conversation

By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
Afghanistan under the Taliban was once again shunned from the COP28 climate change conference.

Pacific Island Countries Blindsided in Climate Conference

Pacific Island Countries Blindsided in Climate Conference

By Sacha Shaw
The Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), including the Pacific countries, was not present when the final text of the Global Stocktake was passed.

A Disappointed Pacific Watches COP28 Unfold

A Disappointed Pacific Watches COP28 Unfold

By Dechlan Brennan
For the island nations of the Pacific, the threat of rising sea levels due to climate change is already a reality. 
Nauru and Samoa Join Fossil Fuel Treaty Amid Fierce Debate at COP28

Nauru and Samoa Join Fossil Fuel Treaty Amid Fierce Debate at COP28

By Sacha Shaw
When it comes to phasing out fossil fuels, the most at-risk countries are taking matters into their own hands rather than waiting on the lagging COP process.

Multiple Climate Reports Warn of Water Conflict in South Asia

Multiple Climate Reports Warn of Water Conflict in South Asia

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
The region is expected to suffer the most significant impacts of changing water availability this century. Yet tight-fisted governments are quibbling at COP28 over climate financing.
How Green Is Japan’s COP28 Commitment?

How Green Is Japan’s COP28 Commitment?

By Thisanka Siripala
Japan’s decarbonization strategy is being slammed by environmental groups for prioritizing “clean” coal. 

How China-Russia Relations Are Impacting COP28

How China-Russia Relations Are Impacting COP28

By Daria Kurushina
Will China cut fossil fuels – a key part of its partnership with Russia – in favor of the new climate milestone?

Keeping Asia’s Net-Zero Dream Alive

Keeping Asia’s Net-Zero Dream Alive

By Tamara Amalia
Developed nations need to take four concrete steps at COP28 to advance the renewable energy transformation in the Asia-Pacific.

G7 President Japan Has a Final Chance for Energy Leadership at COP28

G7 President Japan Has a Final Chance for Energy Leadership at COP28

By Yoko Mulholland, Hanna Hakko, and Kat Petersen
As its G-7 presidency concludes, Japan has an opportunity to advance delivery of the global clean energy transition at COP28.
New Zealand’s New Government Will Have Its First Diplomatic Test at COP28

New Zealand’s New Government Will Have Its First Diplomatic Test at COP28

By Geoffrey Miller
New Zealand has a new National-led government. What is its strategy for COP28 in Dubai?

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