COVID-19 in South Asia

The Battles That Can Cost South Asia the War Against COVID-19
By Said Sabir Ibrahimi and Syed Mafiz Kamal
Communal tensions, misinformation, and poverty: across South Asia, governments are facing similar issues in their COVID-19 responses.

Nepal Cannot Fight Coronavirus Alone
By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Kathmandu needs the support of bigger, wealthier, and more developed countries, even as the pandemic wrecks havoc across the world.

Bangladesh’s Leader Urges All Citizens to Stay at Home to Slow Virus Spread
By Associated Press
Dhaka is wary of an outbreak, but hasn’t yet instituted formal lockdown procedures as seen in neighboring India.

Can India Keep up With COVID-19?
By Angel L. Martínez Cantera
Poor infrastructure and a low testing rate for coronavirus threaten the world's most densely populated region.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan Warns New Virus May Devastate Developing Nations
By Associated Press
"If it spreads, we will all have problems with our health facilities. We just don't have that capability. We just don't have the resources."

Can India Coordinate a SAARC Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic?
By Kamal Madishetty
A recent virtual meeting of SAARC leaders was a welcome revival of regional cooperation amid a health crisis.
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