

Afghanistan, China, India Among Asian Countries Accused of Violating Religious Freedom

Afghanistan, China, India Among Asian Countries Accused of Violating Religious Freedom

By Catherine Putz
USCIRF’s mandate is to make recommendations, but the State Department does not always designate the countries USCIRF recommends. 

Uzbekistan Must Stay on the Path of Religious Freedom Reform

Uzbekistan Must Stay on the Path of Religious Freedom Reform

By Nadine Maenza and Nury Turkel
Tashkent has made progress on the path toward greater religious freedom, but must remain vigilant to protect the gains it has made and continue to actively push forward.
US Religious Freedom Report Signals Improvements in Uzbekistan

US Religious Freedom Report Signals Improvements in Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
For the first time in 15 years, USCIRF has recommended Uzbekistan not be deemed a country of particular concerns when it comes to religious freedom violations.

Of Concerns and Waivers: Religious Freedom and US Interests in Central Asia

Of Concerns and Waivers: Religious Freedom and US Interests in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
Tajikistan and Turkmenistan were once again designated as  “Countries of Particular Concern” for violations of religious freedom.

'A Community of Shared Future': One Short Phrase for UN, One Big Victory for China?

'A Community of Shared Future': One Short Phrase for UN, One Big Victory for China?

By Charlotte Gao
United Nations security resolutions adopted Chinese President Xi Jinping’s signature foreign policy slogan.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

A Closer Look at the Downfall of Sun Zhengcai

A Closer Look at the Downfall of Sun Zhengcai

By Charlotte Gao
The Chinese Communist Party rushes to expel former Chongqing party leader Sun Zhengcai ahead of National Day.

China Accuses Its Top 3 Internet Giants of Potentially Violating Cybersecurity Law

China Accuses Its Top 3 Internet Giants of Potentially Violating Cybersecurity Law

By Charlotte Gao
Tencent, Baidu, and Sina are being investigated by the Chinese Cyberspace Administration.
China’s Communist Party Issues Strict Cyber Rules For Party Members

China’s Communist Party Issues Strict Cyber Rules For Party Members

By Charlotte Gao
China's more than 80 million Communist Party members have new restrictions on their online behavior.

China’s Military Parade Reaffirms Communist Party’s Absolute Control Over Army

China’s Military Parade Reaffirms Communist Party’s Absolute Control Over Army

By Charlotte Gao
The theme of “following the Party's command” dominated China’s massive military parade held on July 30.

Chinese Politician Sun Zhengcai Is Under Party Investigation

Chinese Politician Sun Zhengcai Is Under Party Investigation

By Charlotte Gao
Xinhua posted an extremely short statement saying Sun is "suspected of serious violations of discipline."

Xi Jinping's 'Core Leader' Status Will Help China's Reforms in Coming Years

Xi Jinping's 'Core Leader' Status Will Help China's Reforms in Coming Years

By Dingding Chen
The title signals political stability for the coming years and is good for China's future reforms.
China's Sixth Plenum Begins With a Focus on Intra-Party Discipline: What to Expect

China's Sixth Plenum Begins With a Focus on Intra-Party Discipline: What to Expect

By Ankit Panda
The Sixth Plenum of the 18th Party Congress is about to kick off. Here's what to watch for.

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