
The Mirage of a Cambodia Palace Coup
By David Hutt
Suggestions by Sam Rainsy of a palace coup grossly overestimate factionalism in the CPP and underestimate Hun Sen’s power.

Remembering Heng Samrin and Cambodia’s Rebirth
By Luke Hunt
Luke Hunt speaks with veteran journalist Peter Starr about the career of one of the twentieth century’s greatest guerrilla commanders.

Beware Cambodia’s Europe Sanctions Hype
By David Hutt
Claims of threats to the country’s sovereignty are vastly exaggerated and miss the broader point about how foreign economic relations work.

Cambodia-EU Threat War Erupts Amid Trade Sanctions
By Luke Hunt
The issue has heated up the country’s already contested and polarized politics.

January 7 in Cambodia: One Date, Two Narratives
By Kimkong Heng
Cambodian politicians should move beyond their arguments over history and find common ground to move Cambodia forward.

The Truth About War and Peace in Cambodia
By Luke Hunt
Some readings of the country’s history can be deceiving.

Why Cambodia's Poverty Statistics Dispute Matters
By David Hutt
A recent dispute has shed light on deeper issues in how poverty is assessed in the Southeast Asian state.

Cambodia's Elections Highlight Growing Marginalization
By John Harley Breen
Neopatrimonialism remains the predominant influence on Cambodia’s political trajectory.

Cambodia’s Election: Mind the Numbers
By David Hutt
A closer look at some of the early figures coming out of the poll results and their significance.

Could Cambodia’s Minor Parties Play a Major Role in its 2018 Election?
By David Hutt
The potential importance of smaller parties in upcoming polls should not be overlooked.

What’s Behind the Sale of a Cambodian Newspaper to a Malaysian Investor?
By Luke Hunt
The sale is raising fresh concerns about the state of press freedom in Cambodia.

Why Japan Is Wrong on Rights in Cambodia
By Erin Cook
Tokyo’s downplaying of rights issues is plain for all to see, and the effectiveness of the approach remains unclear.