
Russia’s Disturbing Actions on Innocent Passage in the Black Sea
By KOTANI Tetsuo
A dangerous incident has repercussions in Asian waters.

Has US Russia Policy Changed?
By Casey Michel
A recent appropriations bill, signed by Trump, furthers Obama-era policies regarding Russian expansionism.

Crimea: When Is an Annexation Not Actually an Annexation?
By Casey Michel
Three years ago, Russia formally annexed Crimea, citing a flawed referendum.

Selective Revanchist Recognition: Trump, Crimea and the South China Sea
By Casey Michel
On the South China Sea, the Trump administration seems to be taking a hard line. Not so on the issue of Crimea.

Will Trump Recognize Russian Annexation of Crimea?
By Casey Michel
It would be a break from Washington's stated policy of non-recognition.

Crimea and the South China Sea: Russia and China Grasp for Support
By Casey Michel
Only a handful of countries side with both Moscow and Beijing on their respective controversial territorial claims.

Russia-China: The West’s Dual Challenge
By Marcin Kaczmarski
Closer Moscow-Beijing ties don’t constitute a common challenge to the West.

What Crimea Tells Us About Asia’s Future Wars
By Van Jackson
Several features of the Crimea conflict apply to the Asia context.

Russia’s Narrative Finds an Audience in Central Asia
By Casey Michel
Unpopular elsewhere, Moscow appears to be winning friends and influencing people in the former Soviet sphere.

Japan's Tangled Ties With Russia
By Mina Pollmann
Japan's relationship with Russia will remain stalled as long as the Ukraine crisis continues.

Russia Deploys Bombers to Crimea
By Ankit Panda
Russia is continuing to militarize its westernmost territories.

Russia, Crimea and Central Asia
By Casey Michel
Central Asian governments have faced some difficult choices in responding to Russian revanchism.
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