
cult of personality

Maoist Thought and Xi Jinping’s Leadership 

Maoist Thought and Xi Jinping’s Leadership 

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Daniel Leese.
Kim Jong Un’s Changing Public Persona

Kim Jong Un’s Changing Public Persona

By Emma Nymoen
COVID-19 has given Kim a unique opportunity to shift his public persona from that of a military leader into more of a father figure – even as he imposes stricter policies than ever.

Why the Soviet Union’s 20th Party Congress Continues to Haunt China

Why the Soviet Union’s 20th Party Congress Continues to Haunt China

By Zhenze Huang
A lesson from 1956 continues to affect China’s understanding of political security -- especially as the CCP's own 20th Congress draws near.

BJP Goes to Town With Modi’s Birthday Bash

BJP Goes to Town With Modi’s Birthday Bash

By Neeta Lal
The public-facing celebration “amounts to a personality cult hitherto unseen in contemporary Indian politics.”

The Making of Brand Modi

The Making of Brand Modi

By Asim Ali
Narendra Modi has created one of the most powerful political brands in India’s history. But that centralization of power creates its own weaknesses.
Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi and the Cult of Personality

Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi and the Cult of Personality

By David I. Steinberg
Aung San Suu Kyi's cult of personality is continuously projected within Myanmar even while it expires internationally.

Carl Minzner on China's Post-Reform Era

Carl Minzner on China's Post-Reform Era

By Shannon Tiezzi
Discussing one-man rule, the re-Partyization of the bureaucracy, and the end of China's reform era.
Vanity Without Borders: How Central Asian Despots Manipulate the International Press

Vanity Without Borders: How Central Asian Despots Manipulate the International Press

By Bradley Jardine
Global coverage of Turkmenistan shows the power of personality cults to set agendas far beyond national boundaries.

A Central Asian President's Guide to Getting Published

A Central Asian President's Guide to Getting Published

By Catherine Putz
An important building block in any cult of personality is a whole shelf of laudatory texts.

Now Under the Nazarbayev Brand: Astana's Airport

Now Under the Nazarbayev Brand: Astana's Airport

By Paolo Sorbello
Kazakhstan renamed Astana's international airport after the first and current president of the country, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Is Nazarbayev’s New Personality Cult a Prelude to an Exit?

Is Nazarbayev’s New Personality Cult a Prelude to an Exit?

By Paolo Sorbello
A new banknote with Nazarbayev's image and a possible eponymous renaming of Astana may signal a potential departure.
Xi Jinping's PLA Ambitions: Why Guo Boxiong Had to Go

Xi Jinping's PLA Ambitions: Why Guo Boxiong Had to Go

By Ankit Panda
Guo Boxiong is the latest PLA 'tiger' to fall to Xi's anti-corruption campaign.

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