
The Latinization of Kazakhstan: Language, Modernization and Geopolitics
By Aziz Berdiqulov
Kazakhstan’s planned transition to a Latin alphabet is intertwined with issues of national identity, geopolitical shifts, and post-colonial discourse.

The Complex Geopolitics of Mongolia’s Language Reform
By Sumiya Chuluunbaatar
It has been almost 80 years since Mongolia switched to using the Cyrillic alphabet. Why is the government now promoting the traditional bichig script?

Uzbekistan’s Drawn-out Journey From Cyrillic to Latin Script
By Niginakhon Saida
Visit Uzbekistan and you’ll see a variety of alphabets used, a product of the country’s many changes and the long march toward fully using a Latin script.

Coming in 2018? A New Latin-Based Kazakh Alphabet
By Catherine Putz
Astana has been floating the idea of switching to a Latin-based alphabet for more than a decade.

Kazakhstan-Russia Relations: With Liberals Like These…
By Casey Michel
A supposedly liberal Russian media figure comes out as irredentist.
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