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It's Official: France's DCNS Wins Australia's $50 Billion Future Submarine Contract
By Ankit Panda
DCNS' conventional Barracuda-class variant beat out Japan's Soryu-class and Germany's Type 216.

Did Japan Just Lose the Bid to Build Australia's New Subs?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Australian government has allegedly ruled out Japan's sub bid, according to an Australian media report.

Has Germany Lost the Bid to Build Australia’s New Subs?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A German bid is reportedly losing ground over technical concerns.

How Will Australia Choose Its Next Submarine Builder?
By Mina Pollmann
As France, Germany, and Japan promote their bids, a look at Australia's wishlist for its next submarine class.

Could the French Barracuda Replace the Australian Collins-class Submarine?
By Benjamin David Baker
The French companies DCNS and Thales reveal their finalized bid for Australia’s SEA-1000 program.

Can Japan Win Australia's Submarine Contract?
By Mina Pollmann
Domestic factors will play just as much of a role as actual technology when it comes time to select the winning bid.
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