defense spending

A Noisy New Era of Bombs and Bravado
By Asit K. Biswas and Kris Hartley
The peace dividend is in jeopardy.

Global Defense Spending Is Down, But Asia's Spending Is Up
By Ankit Panda
SIPRI's new annual estimate shows that while global defense spending dipped in 2014, Asia's continued to grow.

Why US Allies Shouldn’t Free Ride
By James R. Holmes
Apathy kills in alliance politics. U.S. allies should begin defending themselves if they want America to defend them.

Australia Boosts Defense Spending 6.1%
By Zachary Keck
Newly released budget documents show sizable increases in Australia's defense spending in the coming years.

US Drives Down Global Defense Spending
By Zachary Keck
The countries with the 15 largest military budgets in 2013 accounted for a whopping 79 percent of global defense spending.

China’s Defense Budget: A Mixed Bag
By Zachary Keck
For the U.S. and its allies, China’s new defense budget contains both bad news and good news.

Can a China-Russia Axis Bankrupt the US?
By J. Michael Cole
Russia and China have studied the end of the Cold War and how the US ultimately defeated the USSR by bankrupting it.

US Intelligence Community: The World’s 4th Largest Military?
America’s intel budget is larger than the defense spending of every nation except the US, China, and Russia.

Time to End Military Equality in the US
The Army, Navy, and USAF have enjoyed roughly equal shares of the budget since 1948. Change is needed.

Western Defense Companies Face Grim Future
According to a new report, worldwide defense spending declined in 2012 and the outlook for Western companies is bleak.

What to Make of China's Defense Spending Increase
The amounts the U.S. and China invest in usable firepower are closer than raw spending figures indicate.

How to View Defense Spending in Asia
Defense spending in Asia is up in absolute terms but there many other factors to consider.
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