Democratic Action Party

Malaysia’s Anwar Ibrahim Faces the Demons He Helped Unleash
By Imran Said
After coming to office with a pledge to focus on the economy, Anwar has been dogged by Malay-Muslim culture war controversies.

Why Malaysia’s Government Had to Prosecute Muhammad Sanusi for Sedition
By Aizat Shamsuddin
For years, the caretaker chief minister of Kedah state and his party have whipped up Malay grievances that threaten to undermine the country's ethnic and social cohesion.

Malaysia's New Political Tsunami
By Michio Ueda
What led to the historic election result -- and where does Malaysia go from here?

Can Malaysia’s Opposition Survive Anwar’s Jail Term?
By Joshua Kurlantzick
The parties that make up the opposition are not a natural fit. Can they hold together?
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