dengue fever

What Hong Kong’s Urban Poor Can Tell Us About Climate Change’s Toll on Public Health
By Crystal Chow and Crystal Ying Chan
As Asia’s cities grapple with the growing risk of mosquito-borne diseases amid rising temperatures, collaborative action is key to filling data gaps

Bangladesh's Dengue Outbreak Reaches Epidemic Proportions
By Faisal Mahmud
The record-breaking outbreak is centered on the capital, Dhaka, overwhelming local hospitals.

New Dengue Vaccine Potential Game Changer for Asia
By Tikki Pang
A recent WHO recommendation on vaccination signals a potential tipping point in the global fight against dengue.

India's Health Scare Gets Worse
By Neeta Lal
The current outbreak of vector borne diseases lays bare the inadequacies of India's health care system.

Vietnam Reports Surge in Dengue Infections
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The number of people with dengue fever has seen a 260 percent increase from just a year ago.

China Battles Worst Dengue Fever Outbreak in 20 Years
By Shannon Tiezzi
Over 23,000 cases have been reported in China's Guangdong province alone.
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