
Digital Silk Road

Competing Digital Futures: Europe and China in Central Asia’s Tech Development

Competing Digital Futures: Europe and China in Central Asia’s Tech Development

By Andrew Gundal and Eldaniz Gusseinov
Both the EU and China aim to establish technological leadership in Central Asia, but their focuses differ. 
The Danger of China’s Digital Silk Road

The Danger of China’s Digital Silk Road

Michael Caster discusses the link between China's digital investments abroad and digital repression. 

Don’t Count on China’s Belt and Road Initiative to Disappear 

Don’t Count on China’s Belt and Road Initiative to Disappear 

By Jacob Gunter
The BRI is not set to fade away. It has already changed China’s position in the world, and it will continue to do so moving forward.

How China Is Remaking the Belt and Road

How China Is Remaking the Belt and Road

By Shannon Tiezzi
Key takeaways from the third Belt and Road Forum for the future of the global initiative.

‘Digital Empires’: The China-EU-US Competition Over Tech Regulations

‘Digital Empires’: The China-EU-US Competition Over Tech Regulations

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Anu Bradford.
G7 Digital Ministers Preview Summit’s Focus on Tech Competition With China

G7 Digital Ministers Preview Summit’s Focus on Tech Competition With China

By Charles Mok
The G-7 digital and tech ministers’ gathering in Takasaki, Japan, offers hints as to the group’s priorities.

How China Is Attempting to Control the ‘Information Pipes’

How China Is Attempting to Control the ‘Information Pipes’

By Joshua Kurlantzick
In addition to beaming out its perspectives via Chinese state media, Beijing is aspiring to control both the structure and norms of global information networks.
China’s Tech Outreach in the Middle East and North Africa

China’s Tech Outreach in the Middle East and North Africa

By Dale Aluf
Chinese companies, acting out of both economic and geostrategic motives, are providing much of the MENA region’s digital infrastructure.

Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Turkmenistan’s Digital Transformation 

Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Turkmenistan’s Digital Transformation 

By Rustam Muhamedov
As the Turkmen president’s son continues his tour of top government positions, digitalization remains a critical priority for the regime. 

China’s Digital Silk Road and the Global Digital Order

China’s Digital Silk Road and the Global Digital Order

By Richard Ghiasy and Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy
China’s Digital Silk Road is an ambitious vision to catalyze global digitalization. What will it mean for digital governance?

For Indonesia, Chinese 5G Cooperation Brings Promise and Peril

For Indonesia, Chinese 5G Cooperation Brings Promise and Peril

By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat and Yeta Purnama
Like many nations, Indonesia faces a difficult decision about how far to engage with China's Digital Silk Road.
China’s Digital Silk Road Initiative: A Boon for Developing Countries or a Danger to Freedom?

China’s Digital Silk Road Initiative: A Boon for Developing Countries or a Danger to Freedom?

By Joshua Kurlantzick
Some observers worry that it will equip authoritarian governments with next-generation surveillance technologies.

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