

TikTok Culls Social Media Business Platform in Indonesia

TikTok Culls Social Media Business Platform in Indonesia

By Sebastian Strangio
The move came after the Indonesian government announced an immediate ban on commerce transactions on social media platforms.
Indonesia Bans E-Commerce on Social Media Networks

Indonesia Bans E-Commerce on Social Media Networks

By Sebastian Strangio
The ban is set to impact the Chinese social media network TikTok, which has launched an aggressive expansion into the e-commerce space.

TikTok Says it Regrets Indonesia’s Decision to Ban E-commerce Sales on Social Media Platforms

TikTok Says it Regrets Indonesia’s Decision to Ban E-commerce Sales on Social Media Platforms

By Edna Tarigan and Niniek Karmini
Indonesia banned goods transactions on social media platforms such as TikTok, accusing vendors of predatory pricing.

Reassessing RCEP’s Implications for Digital Trade and E-Commerce

Reassessing RCEP’s Implications for Digital Trade and E-Commerce

By Jean-Marc F. Blanchard and Wei Liang
RCEP’s chapter 12 should produce digital economy opportunities in all RCEP countries, but it seems highly likely that China, Japan, and South Korea will emerge the biggest winners.

Vietnam, Singapore Begin Negotiations on Digital Trade Agreement

Vietnam, Singapore Begin Negotiations on Digital Trade Agreement

By Linh Tong
Despite all the challenges, an agreement between the two nations would further liberalize the digital trade environment in Southeast Asia.
The Risk of E-Commerce Provisions in the RCEP

The Risk of E-Commerce Provisions in the RCEP

By Eva Novi Karina
It is crucial that ASEAN members have the time and flexibility to develop appropriate national and regional regulatory frameworks.

Is China’s Great Firewall a Trade Barrier?

Is China’s Great Firewall a Trade Barrier?

By Sara Hsu
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative thinks so.

Amazon Will Test Drone Delivery System in India

By Zachary Keck & Kelwin Choi
Amazon Prime Air might first be tested in Indian cities like Mumbai and Bangalore.

The Rise of Chinese E-Commerce in South Korea

The Rise of Chinese E-Commerce in South Korea

By Tae-jun Kang
Chinese online marketplaces are a growing phenomenon throughout South Korea.

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