
East China Sea

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A First: Chinese Naval Vessel Enters Senkaku Contiguous Zone in East China Sea

A First: Chinese Naval Vessel Enters Senkaku Contiguous Zone in East China Sea

By Ankit Panda
Previously, China had only sent its coast guard into Japan's territorial sea and contiguous zone.
Chinese Fighter Conducts 'Unsafe' Intercept of US Spy Plane in East China Sea

Chinese Fighter Conducts 'Unsafe' Intercept of US Spy Plane in East China Sea

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The “unsafe” intercept occurred on Tuesday in international airspace over the East China Sea.

Is China’s Coast Guard About to Field a Modified PLA Warship?

Is China’s Coast Guard About to Field a Modified PLA Warship?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Images of a new vessel suggest that the China Coast Guard is inducting a new PLA warship into its ranks.

Is China Really About to Announce a South China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone? Maybe

Is China Really About to Announce a South China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone? Maybe

By Ankit Panda
But maybe not.

What the Pentagon Thinks of China’s Military

What the Pentagon Thinks of China’s Military

By Ankit Panda
The U.S. Department of Defense’s 2016 report on China’s military offers a detailed look into the PLA.
Xi Jinping Has a New Title: Commander-in-Chief of the People's Liberation Army

Xi Jinping Has a New Title: Commander-in-Chief of the People's Liberation Army

By Ankit Panda
Xi's quest to expand his personal authority over the Chinese military continues.

Rescind China's Invitation to Join RIMPAC 2016 Before It's Too Late

Rescind China's Invitation to Join RIMPAC 2016 Before It's Too Late

By Shirley Kan
The Obama administration should rescind the conditional invitation for the PLAN to join RIMPAC 2016.
China Protests as G7 Ministers Express Concern Regarding East, South China Seas

China Protests as G7 Ministers Express Concern Regarding East, South China Seas

By Ankit Panda
The Chinese foreign ministry strongly condemned the G7 ministers' statement in Hiroshima.

China Makes Advance Payment for Russia’s S-400 Missile Defense Systems

China Makes Advance Payment for Russia’s S-400 Missile Defense Systems

By Franz-Stefan Gady
China could receive the first batch of the long-range anti-aircraft missile systems in the first quarter of 2017.

2 Chinese Fighters Entered South Korea's Air Defense Identification Zone

2 Chinese Fighters Entered South Korea's Air Defense Identification Zone

By Ankit Panda
Was China trying to send a message?

Beijing Builds ‘Monster’ Ship for Patrolling the South China Sea

By Franz-Stefan Gady
According to Chinese state media, the ship will be the largest coast guard vessel in the world.
Deciphering China’s Armed Intrusion Near the Senkaku Islands

Deciphering China’s Armed Intrusion Near the Senkaku Islands

By Ryan D. Martinson
The appearance of an armed Coast Guard ship gives Japanese authorities plenty to ponder.

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