Economic decoupling

Business Impact of Geopolitical Risk in the Trump Era
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Rodney Faraon.

‘De-risking’ vs. ‘Strategic Decoupling’: Understanding Harris’ and Trump’s Approaches to Economic Security
By Kazuo Waki
These two terms represent the conceptual foundations of each candidate's economic security policies, especially regarding China. But what do they actually mean?

China-US Trade and Decoupling: ‘We Are in Uncharted Waters’
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Allen Morrison.

Sailing the Seas of Economic Security
By Mathieu Duchâtel
Unlike in Europe or the U.S., there is little debate in China about the importance of “economic security” and the political tools necessary to achieve it.

What Do China’s Neighbors Think of De-risking?
Christina Lai, Kazuto Suzuki, and Wonho Yeon discuss the de-risking calculus for Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.

What ‘De-risking’ Means for China
By Denny Roy
Beijing seems unable or unwilling to grasp the very different lineages of “containment” and de-risking.

The Political Hazards of Economic Decoupling From China
By Max Abbott
Southeast Asian nations are promising candidates for firms seeking to relocate manufacturing operations from China, but investors need to be prepared for the risks.

A Reality Check on China-US Decoupling
By Tamás Mészáros
Decoupling rhetoric masks the fact that the United States and China play very different economic roles in East Asia and possess very different sources of economic power.

Gauging the Impact of the China-US Trade War
By Ka Zeng
Did the tit-for-tat tariffs move China and the U.S. toward economic decoupling?

Rebalancing vs Decoupling: China-US Economic Ties and the Global Economy
By Ronald U. Mendoza
The hyper-competitive international production chains that have long characterized Asia's economies now face a significant political recalibration.

Will the BRI Survive Economic Decoupling?
By Federico Jensen
Ironically, many projects within the BRI are the precondition for a successful decoupling from China.

How Does the Russia-Ukraine War Affect Asia’s Political Economy?
By Kavoossi Masoud and Dingding Chen
Multinational companies must find new solutions in an era of accelerating deglobalization.
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