
Economic inequality

Without Money For A Funeral, an Indonesian Father Buried His Stillborn Baby in a Freezer Box

Without Money For A Funeral, an Indonesian Father Buried His Stillborn Baby in a Freezer Box

By Aisyah Llewellyn
The viral news story provided a stark illustration of the gap between the rhetoric of Indonesian politicians and the realities faced by many ordinary people.

How COVID-19 Has Enriched Asia’s Wealthy and Punished Its Poor

How COVID-19 Has Enriched Asia’s Wealthy and Punished Its Poor

By Sebastian Strangio
A new report from the NGO Oxfam provides crucial context for the region's recent democratic decline.
Thailand’s Inequality Challenge Looms Large Ahead of 2019 Elections

Thailand’s Inequality Challenge Looms Large Ahead of 2019 Elections

By Alphonsus Pettit
A recent report suggests that the problem is only worsening, posing another headache for the junta ahead of polls next year.

Who Will Benefit from the ASEAN Economic Community?

Who Will Benefit from the ASEAN Economic Community?

By Mong Palatino
Some civil society organizations are claiming that the community would excessively favor corporate interests.

Asian Cities Pay Hidden Price for Global Status

Asian Cities Pay Hidden Price for Global Status

By Kris Hartley
Global status may offer prestige, but it doesn’t help the economically vulnerable.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Capitalism’s Biggest Fan Is Asian… And Communist

By Zachary Keck
A new Pew Research poll found that capitalism’s biggest supporters are all in Asia.

The Root Problem of IS in Indonesia

The Root Problem of IS in Indonesia

By Rizvi Shihab
The Islamic State is exploiting the disconnect between real and perceived economic growth.
Rethinking Cambodia’s Reconciliation Process

Rethinking Cambodia’s Reconciliation Process

By Phoak Kung
Involving only the country’s elites in the process will not be enough to keep the peace.

Asia: Home of the Free – and Repressed

Asia: Home of the Free – and Repressed

The region's economic freedom has improved, with some notable exceptions.

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