
How Afghanistan's Next Elections Can Succeed
By Rafi Fazil
Afghanistan's next elections can set up the bedrock for sustainable democratic institutions in the country.

Don’t Expect Democracy in Thailand Anytime Soon
By Pavin Chachavalpongpun
Repeated election delays are the product of a fierce power struggle that is still ongoing.

Sri Lanka's August Parliamentary Election, Seen Up Close
By Taylor Dibbert
Do Sri Lankans have confidence in the process and practice of their democracy?

In Kazakhstan Election, Nazarbayev 'Crushes' Nominal Opposition
By Catherine Putz
OSCE says voters were not offered a genuine choice in the election.
Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Policy Views Don’t Matter
By Zachary Keck
Hillary's Clinton may be a foreign policy hawk, but that won't matter in 2016.

South Korea’s Ruling Party Scores Big At Polls
By Yong Kwon
The ruling Saenuri party took 11 seats in the by-election, giving it a strong majority in the legislature.

ASEAN Heads to the Ballot Box in 2013
Although voters in at least four ASEAN countries will go to the polls this year, don’t expect much change.

Political Jockeying Ahead of Malaysia's Elections
This month the government of Najib Razak broke with precedent by allowing the opposition to stage a rally as election season kicks into gear.

South Korea’s Presidential Election: Formula for Victory
South Korea’s Presidential Election on Wednesday will turn on three factors, says Scott A. Snyder: which side unifies its base, demographics, and voter turnout.

South Korea's Three-Way Tussle
South Korea’s Presidential race takes an interesting turn.

My Chinese Election Day
Having a chance to vote was great. But it would be even better if I knew something about who I was voting for.

Kan Needs to Attack LDP
Japan’s embattled prime minister should remind voters why they booted out the last lot.
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