
Four Reasons Not to Pivot to Europe
Some are arguing for the United States to “pivot” towards Europe. James Holmes gives us four reasons to stay the course.

EU-US Free Trade Agreement: End of the Asian Century?
Could the push for a transatlantic free trade agreement overshadow similar efforts in the Asia-Pacific?

Turkey: Abandoning the EU for the SCO?
Recent moves suggest Turkey could make a bid for entry into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It would be a mistake.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Will it Happen?
Can the Trans-Pacific Partnership overcome challenges and make history?

2012: A Tough Year for Vietnam
The State Bank of Vietnam has cut interest rates for the 6th time this year. Will Vietnam’s economy pick up steam?

Troubles in the EU, America and China Cause Concern in S. Korea
Why a Eurozone in crisis, a weak U.S. recovery, and a slowing China all spell trouble for South Korea.

Wen's Farewell to Europe
The EU-China relationship has changed dramatically since Wen’s first summit in 2003.

The Crisis of Multilateralism
The world has many regional institutions that bind nations together. For some, their time and place in global affairs may have passed.

Why Europe Should Stick To Itself
Should Europe play a greater role in Asia? It has its own problems & should pass, argues Jonathan Holslag.

Why Talks with Iran Haven’t Worked
Iran’s leaders see little domestic political benefit to giving into the demands of the U.S. and its partners over Tehran’s nuclear program. The calculation shows no signs of changing.

Give Democracy a Chance in Syria
The groups circling for if the Assad regime falls are no solution to the country’s problems. The U.S. and EU should steer clear, Indian Decade contributor Madhav Nalapat writes from Syria.

How West Will Arm Burma
The West doesn’t need to lift an arms embargo to help arm Burma. Lifting investment restrictions will do the job.