
extremism in Pakistan

Greater Than the State Itself: Pakistan’s Everyday Extremists Take On Its Institutions

Greater Than the State Itself: Pakistan’s Everyday Extremists Take On Its Institutions

By Umair Jamal
The case of Aasia Bibi should be a wake-up call to Pakistan’s ruling elite.

Pakistan's New Government Fails Its First Major Test on Extremism

Pakistan's New Government Fails Its First Major Test on Extremism

By Umair Jamal
The Pakistani government's handling of Atif Mian's removal from the Economic Advisory Council is a travesty.
A New Pakistan Government, a New Way to Persecute Ahmadis

A New Pakistan Government, a New Way to Persecute Ahmadis

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
The PTI government picked Atif Mian as an economic adviser -- then dropped him once his faith became an issue.

What Is Behind the Political ‘Mainstreaming’ of Jamaat-ud-Dawa in Pakistan?

What Is Behind the Political ‘Mainstreaming’ of Jamaat-ud-Dawa in Pakistan?

By Umair Jamal
Offering political platforms to groups with jihadist agendas will only complicate Pakistan’s militant problem.

Pakistan's National Security Adviser on Counterterrorism

Pakistan's National Security Adviser on Counterterrorism

By Zeeshan Salahuddin
Lt. Gen. Janjua speaks about his strategy and his views on current progress in Pakistan’s fight on terror.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Ink and Blood: Extremism in Pakistan

Ink and Blood: Extremism in Pakistan

By Zoha Waseem
How can moderate Muslims counter the persecution of the Ahmadis and other minorities?

Pakistan’s Way of Fighting Militancy: Wait Until the War Comes Home

Pakistan’s Way of Fighting Militancy: Wait Until the War Comes Home

By Umair Jamal
The state’s policy of allowing fundamentalist groups to operate and preach freely in the country has radicalized Pakistani society.
5 Navy Officers Sentenced to Death in Pakistan for Trying to Attack US Warship

5 Navy Officers Sentenced to Death in Pakistan for Trying to Attack US Warship

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The five officers allegedly tried to steal a Pakistani warship to attack a U.S. naval vessel.

Panama Papers Leave Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif in a Jam

Panama Papers Leave Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif in a Jam

By Umair Jamal
With the Panama Papers, Nawaz Sharif's legitimacy on matters of national security will continue to decline.

Reality Check: Pakistan's War on Extremism Is Far From Over

Reality Check: Pakistan's War on Extremism Is Far From Over

By Umair Jamal
The attack in Lahore points to a worrying reality that Pakistan’s war against extremism is far from over.

Blasphemy and the Case of Mumtaz Qadri

Blasphemy and the Case of Mumtaz Qadri

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Can Pakistan’s judiciary take a stand against religious extremism?
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